[Entry for 7 February 1430]]2
"The seventh day of February, [1430],n9
at the Place of La Massequiere in the presence of Jean Godeau, lieutenant, etc,
and Guyon Farineau, magistrate of Touraine, were assembled the Elus:n10
Master Pierre Léonnart, ecclesiastic judge of Tours for Mgr. the Archbishop;
Master Jean Chemier,
canon and archpriest of the Church of Tours, on behalf of
the aforesaid Church; Master Jean Deslandes, called Bonamy, for the Chapter
of Saint-Martin; Jean Debrion, Macé de la Bretonnière; Pierre
Briconnet, Jean Vesantier, Guillaume de Montbazon, Jean Laillier, Colas de Montbazon,
Jean Herviet, Jean Peslieu, Roulet Berthelot, Gillet Debrion, and others;
By whom it had been decided that the recently marriedn11
daughter of Hauves Poulnoir, painter; in honor of Joan the Maiden - who came into
this kingdomn12 to the King concerning the war,
telling him that she had been sent by the King of Heaven against the English, enemies
of this kingdom; and who had written to the town that, for the marriage
of the aforesaid young woman, the town should pay her the sum of a hundred écus -
[they had decided] that nothing [i.e., no money; see the food listed below]n13
will be paid or given out
because the city's funds need to be used for repairs to the town and not otherwise; but,
for the love and honor of the aforesaid Maiden, the churchmen, bourgeois, and inhabitants
will honor the aforesaid young woman [Heliote] at her nuptial benediction, which will be next
Thursday; and they will have prayers said for her in the aforesaid town's name; and to
give the aforesaid prayer in the presence of the leading citizens of this town, Michau
Hardoin, notary of the aforesaid town, has been appointed. And bread and wine will be
given to this young woman on the day of her aforesaid benediction: to wit, bread made
from a sestiern14 of wheat, and four jalayesn15
of wine."